Leaflets of ICCN

ICCN ბროშურები

1994 ICCN

1994 Banner of ICCN

1996 ICCN

1998 Leaflet of ICCN on the Network for Early Warning and Monitoring of Ethnic Conflict (NEWMEC)

2000 Leaflet of ICCN on Conflict Resolution Training Programme in Georgia

2001 Banner of ICCN - the Member of the European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation

2001 Organisational Structure of ICCN

2001 Leaflet of ICCN on Early Warning - Early Response System for the Caucasus (EWERS)

2001 Banner Early Response System for the Caucasus (EWERS)

2002 Organizational Structure of ICCN

2002 WEB Interface of ICCN

2002 Banner of ICCN - A Regional Representative of Transcend

2004 ICCN

2004 Leaflet - 10 Years in Peacebuilding

2004 Leaflet - Georgian Coalition for ICC

2005 Leaflet - The Role of Civil Society in Rose Revolution

2006 Leaflet of Integrated Poverty Reduction Programme (The EU IPRP)

2009 ICCN

2010 Leaflet - Engagement Through Dialogue

2010 ICCN

2014 Leaflet - Russia - Georgia Neighbourly Relations "Istanbul Process" Programme

2014 Banner - ICCN's 20 Years Anniversary

GPPAC OnePager - A Network of People Building Peace