08.08.08 Documents

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation believes that it is vital and obligatory for the State of Georgia to provide the 2008 war-affected society with information on the tragic military-political events. ICCN has decided to meet the rising public interest and publish the archive documents.

A State of War - The Decree of the President of Georgia

2008 August 9 - A Decree on a State of War and Full Mobilization Throughout the Whole Territory of Georgia. The Decree of the President of Georgia N 402.

The Parliament Resolution on the Decree of the President of Georgia N 402. (The Legislative Herald of Georgia).

Occupation of Georgian Territories by Russian Federation - Resolution of the Parliament of Georgia

2008 August 28 - Occupation of Georgian Territories by Russian Federation - Resolution # 243 of the Parliament of Georgia. The Parliament of Georgia.

The Resolution of the Parliament of Georgia called for the Government to cut diplomatic ties with Russian Federation.


2008 August 12 - 6-POINT PLAN SIGNED BY H.E. Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy

2008 August 15 - 6-POINT PLAN SIGNED BY H.H.E.E. Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili and Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy

2008 August 16 - 6-POINT PLAN SIGNED BY H.E. Mr. Dmitri Medvedev

2008 August 16 - 6-POINT PLAN SIGNED BY H.H.E.E. Mr. Sergei Bagapsh and Mr. Eduard Kokoity

2008 September 9 - IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

2008 September 15 - COUNCIL JOINT ACTION on the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia, EUMM Georgia (Agreement on Implementing Measures).


2008 December 19 - Parliamentary Temporary Commission on Investigation of the Military Aggression and Other Acts of Russia Against The Territorial Integrity Of Georgia – Conclusion. (English translation by the Parliament of Georgia http://www.parliament.ge/files/1329_22127_506571_Conclusion_E.pdf).

The Parliament Resolution on the Conclusion of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission on Investigation of the Military Aggression and Other Acts of Russia Against The Territorial Integrity Of Georgia #828-IIს . (The Legislative Herald of Georgia).

The Conclusion Part I (Georgian) PDF (Archive of ICCN)

The Conclusion Part II (Georgian) PDF (Archive of ICCN)

The Conclusion Part III (Georgian) PDF (Archive of ICCN)

2008 December 18 - Information for Media, by the Temporary Investigation Commission of the Parliament of Georgia studying military aggression and other actions committed in 2008 by the Russian Federation against the territorial integrity of Georgia. (Source: the official website of the Parliament of Georgia, 2008. http://www.parliament.ge/index.php?lang_id=GEO&sec_id=1329&info_id=21604)

2008 December 18 - Russia-Georgia War, Preconditions, Chronology, Legal Assessment and Evaluation of Shortcomings of the Government fo Georgia identified by the Temporary Investigation Commission of the Parliament of Georgia. (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

2008 October-November - The 2008 Stenographic Transcripts of the Sessions of the Temporary Investigation Commission of the Parliament of Georgia studying military aggression and other actions committed in 2008 by the Russian Federation against the territorial integrity of Georgia. (Source: the official website of the Parliament of Georgia, 2008 http://www.parliament.ge/index.php?lang_id=GEO&sec_id=1329&info_id=21604 in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 29, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission. PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 27, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 27, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 26, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission. PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 25, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 25, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 24, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 24, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 22, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 22, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 12, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 12, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 11, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 11, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 11, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part III). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

November 10, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission. PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

October 28, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

October 28, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Sessionof the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

October 27, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

October 27, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

October 25, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part I). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

October 25, 2008 - Stenographic Transcript of the Session of the Parliamentary Temporary Commission (Part II). PDF (in Georgian language, the Archive of ICCN).

Office of the State Minister for Reintegration

May, 2009 - Georgia After August War with Russia. Presentation at the Symposium, NY, by the Office of the State Minister for Reintegration.

The Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia (IIFFMCG)

2009 September - The Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia (IIFFMCG)). (The Tagliavini Report).

"By its decision of 2 December 2008 the Council of the European Union established an Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia (IIFFMCG). This is the first time in its history that the European Union has decided to intervene actively in a serious armed conflict. It is also the first time that after having reached a ceasefire agreement the European Union set up a Fact-Finding Mission as a political and diplomatic follow-up to the conflict. In its work, the Mission has been assisted and advised by a Senior Advisory Board (see Acknowledgements)." IIFFMCG, 2009.

A core team of three members led by Swiss Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini who had been appointed Head of IIFFMCG by the EU Ministers.

Part I: (English) (Georgian)

Part II: (English) (Georgian)

Part III: (English) (Georgian)


War, Justice, Peace. The book was published in 2010 and presents documentary materials on strategic litigation of war victims. (in Georgian).


ICCN's Statement on The 2008 Stenographic Transcripts of the Sessions of the Temporary Commission of the Parliament of Georgia, 4 April, 2019.

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Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, N. (Ed.). (2014). Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Historical Archive of Georgia by the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN). Retrieved /month, date, year/ from http://iccn.ge/index.php?article_id=301&clang=1