The OSCE Networking Platform for Women Leaders including Peacebuilders and Mediators

The OSCE Networking Platform for Women Leaders, Including Peacebuilders and Mediators conducted an online meeting on 26 August, 2024. The participants highlited importance and a real impact of the programme and shared their experiances related to the effect of becoming the OSCE Networking Platform member. The participants expressed their gratitude to H.E. Helga Maria Schmid, the Secretary General of the OSCE, who initiated and launched this Programme back in 2021, and to Dr. Lara Scarpitta, the OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues and Head of the Gender Issues Programme in the Office of the Secretary General, who hase been supporting women leaders and strengthening their role in peace and security.

The meeting highlited importance of continuation of the Networking work and discussed how the OSCE can further support women leaders and their crucial role in peace and security.

Later on, H.E. Helga Maria Schmid, the Secretary General of the OSCE posted on twitter her Thank You message to all that are committed to connect, empower and give women a voice!